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red flashing中文是什么意思

用"red flashing"造句"red flashing"怎么读"red flashing" in a sentence


  • 闪光红灯


  • Even as i looked , there came another red flash and another report , that sent the echoes clattering , and one more round - shot whistled through the air
  • Firstly , in the luminosity - type horizontal cell ( lhc ) of isolated carp retina , we found : 1 ) repetitive red flashes progressively strengthened the synaptic connection between red - cone and lhc , whereas weakened that between green - cone and lhc ; 2 ) repetitive green flashes remarkably depressed the lhc ' s red response , but caused little changes in the cell ' s green response
    R / g型水平细胞( r / ghc )为一种色度型水平细胞,至于r / ghc与不同视锥的突触回路连接,经典的级联模型认为r / ghc只接收来自绿敏视锥的直接输入,对红光去极化反应来源于lhc对绿敏视锥的负反馈。
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